Refined scrolling functionality.
Eliminated blank URLs in the information pop-up.
Resolved display issues with custom fonts on local Operating System.
Fixed the continuous reloading problem in OneTrust CMP.
New Additions
Introduced custom Consent Management Solutions.
Version number now visible in the information pop-up.
Full support implemented for CMP Box.
Launch of the comprehensive macOS application with integrated privacy settings.
Optimized design for Firefox Mobile users.
Initiated the development of an end-to-end testing framework.
Enhanced clarity of status icons, including warning alerts in the pop-up for specific macOS and iOS app installations.
New decision wizard tool to streamline user choices.
Added factory settings for iOS/macOS to facilitate developer and Product Owner testing.
Conducted a minor code cleanup for efficiency.
Updated icon design for a more streamlined appearance.
Increased visibility of warnings on the extension icon.
Enhanced the “report this site” feature with browser and timestamp details.
Implemented truncation of lengthy domain names in the UI for better display consistency.