Release 1.0.0


The latest release enhances user experience with refined scrolling, fixes display issues with custom fonts, and resolves the reloading issue in OneTrust CMP. New features include a macOS application with integrated privacy settings, custom Consent Management Solutions, and improved design for Firefox Mobile. Additionally, it introduces a decision wizard tool and an end-to-end testing framework, alongside various UI and efficiency improvements.



  • Refined scrolling functionality.

  • Eliminated blank URLs in the information pop-up.

  • Resolved display issues with custom fonts on local Operating System.

  • Fixed the continuous reloading problem in OneTrust CMP.


New Additions

  • Introduced custom Consent Management Solutions.

  • Version number now visible in the information pop-up.

  • Full support implemented for CMP Box.

  • Launch of the comprehensive macOS application with integrated privacy settings.

  • Optimized design for Firefox Mobile users.

  • Initiated the development of an end-to-end testing framework.

  • Enhanced clarity of status icons, including warning alerts in the pop-up for specific macOS and iOS app installations.

  • New decision wizard tool to streamline user choices.

  • Added factory settings for iOS/macOS to facilitate developer and Product Owner testing.



  • Conducted a minor code cleanup for efficiency.

  • Updated icon design for a more streamlined appearance.

  • Increased visibility of warnings on the extension icon.

  • Enhanced the “report this site” feature with browser and timestamp details.

  • Implemented truncation of lengthy domain names in the UI for better display consistency.